I'm a Teacher You See
by Oskar Cymerman | @focus2achieve
Sometimes, I’m the facilitator
I’m Pablo Picasso multimedia creator
And Albert Einstein the mind agitator
And Charlie Darwin the perpetrator
I am Sigmund Freud the analyst
And Ludwig von Beethoven the catalyst
I’m Mahatma Gandhi the pacifist
And Friedrich Nietzsche the nihilist
Sometimes, I’m like my students…
Distracted smartphone manipulator
But I’m the keeper of the gate
Whatever could have been will be
They can try, but can’t stop me
This rap is dedicated to all teachers. I hope it strikes a note with you. Please share it by clicking on the "Share" button below. Thank you for changing the world! All it takes is one action, one smile, and one life at a time. Please subscribe to the NEWSLETTER if you would like to receive tips that help students learn and teachers teach. Thanks for taking the time and remember: You Have The Power! Use It Often.