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Close your eyes and think about three things you’re grateful for. Do it.


How did it make you feel?

This is why you want to do it every day. Most of our life is spent on autopilot with little time for reflection. We just do stuff and forget to slow down and appreciate the people, the events, the successes, and the little things in life. But when you stop and think about them; really consider, you realize that they are the only things that matter.

The people who love you, a night out with your wife, your daughter’s soccer game, your son’s recital, a friend’s support, a colleague’s words of encouragement, a stranger’s smile, the air you breathe, the sun on your face, and a good night’s sleep after a tough day.

It’s important to remember these things, because they shape our lives and make us better. Each evening, sit and write down three things you’re grateful for, if only for the psychological effect of giving gratitude. Even if your day was a complete shit show, muster the strength to write down at least one thing you’re grateful for.

I’ve heard that doing so brings more grace into your life, but I do it because it helps me remember what’s important, what to hold onto, and where to focus energy.

When I write down the three things I’m grateful for, I smile and remind myself of how lucky I am. And it makes all the difference in the world.

I hope you got to feel the same flow of positive energy I do whenever I sit down and reflect on what I'm grateful for. This was a short, but powerful (I hope) chapter from my new book The Power Of Three: Simplify. Start. Succeed. which is coming out tomorrow (!!!) on Amazon Kindle for $3. This allows you to check it out and see if you want to get the expanded paperback in the future. I can't wait to share more about it with you. Thank you for being a part of this journey.

You have the power... You know :)