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3 Innovation Equations For Nerds (Normal Folk Need Not Read)


Let's have some fun this Friday, shall we?

Today's post is my attempt at integrating cross curricular learning while deconstructing innovation. If you're a geeky nerdy type or a millennial the first part will likely appeal to you (85% chance with +5/-5 std. dev.).

The second part, For Normal Folk (which includes everyone but yours truly) is a much less nerdy, but more wordy, maybe uncomplicated, perhaps sophisticated translation of the geek out above it.

Innovation Equation #1:


Information Acquisition: reading, watching instructional videos, presentations, listening to talks etc.

Smart Practice: continual and deliberate processing of information by thinking about it, connecting facts, and using it to complete projects and reach goals

Deeper Learning: honing of knowledge and skills, and gaining of experience aka knowing your shit in and out

Innovation Equation #2:


Knowledge: facts

Skill: ability to do

Experience: knowledge and skills applied over and over, in various ways and many situations

Creativity: using imagination to produce ideas

Intuition: brain's response developed through mastery of a concept or skill or a certain field of expertise

Innovation Equation #3:


Creativity: see above

Intuition: see above

Innovation: new ideas, or new things, or new ways of using ideas or doing things


For Normal Folk

What the hell was that?!?!

In my defense, I've contracted a virus (school germs) and am from-the-neck-up congested. It's possible I'm delirious.

Smart practice, which is all about using an acquired skill or concept repeatedly and mindfully at the same time, leads to intuitive response. Such thoughtful application helps us gain true understanding of the skill or concept. Then, when facing a situation or a challenge that requires us to use this skill or knowledge, we can respond intuitively; seemingly without thinking. The thinking is still happening, but because the neural connections are vast and strong, our brain responds automatically, but correctly. This frees up our conscious mind to create new understandings, ideas, and ways of doing things. We innovate.

This is why we always want deeper learning for our students.

You have the power to change the world. Use it often.

If you haven't grabbed my Free Deeper Learning Infographic yet, here it is.