Room 123
Room 123
In room one twenty three...
We talk the talk
And walk the walk
We graph
And we laugh
We read, discuss, and write
Sometimes the words have a bite
We dance
Talk about France
We play
And mold clay
We invent and investigate
Sometimes we instigate
We dare
To social media we share
Deep down we care
When we say we don't
We put up a front
We're unaware how easily we scare
We don't run
But we have fun
We fight, but we're polite
Perfect we're not
We don't try to be
We learn so we can see
We roar
And we soar
Yes we fly
We reach and grab for the sky
Sometimes we fall
Sometimes we cry
We fall
But we get up
We get rocked
But then we roll
Whatever it takes we rise up
We climb right back to the top
We are all we're meant to be
In room one twenty three...
The classroom is such a weird and wonderful place isn't it?
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this poem. Please share it if you think other educators and non-educators might enjoy it. I will feature a weekly poem/rap/comic to provoke reflection and inspiration in my NEWSLETTER, so please SIGN UP if you dig that.
And Remember: You have the power to change the world. Use it often.