I blog on Brain-Based Learning, Metacognition, EdTech, and Social-Emotional Learning. I am the author of the Crush School Series of Books, which help students understand how their brains process information and learn. I also wrote The Power of Three: How to Simplify Your Life to Amplify Your Personal and Professional Success, but be warned that it's meant for adults who want to thrive and are comfortable with four letter words.

Brain Hacking 401: Dynamic Teaching & [Breathing In] The Chemicals

By Oskar Cymerman | @focus2achieve | BAm! Radio Network EdWords Blogger

Enthusiasm is contagious, so a teacher's job is to infect students. How?

Just do the opposite of what Ben Stein's character Mr. Cantwell, the pessimistic monotone nerd of a science teacher form the Wonder Years did.

Okay. That's a bad answer. First, being a nerd is pretty cool these days. Second, while being monotone is lame, it is a pretty tall order to always be "with it" and engage 100% of students 100% of the time. 

But, whether we like it or not, this is how high the bar is placed and this is how high it should be placed. ONE HUNDRED FLIPPING PERCENT.

Can we get there? I don't know, but that's what I'm going for. I have a few brain hacks to help me along. They are by no means all there is. But, they are a start and they tip you off as to how you can activate chemicals in your students' brains. it's a kind of mind control...

Relax. No one is joining your cult. Unless your cult is teaching and it's dynamic.

Dynamic Teaching - Martha S. Burns TEDx Enola Talk

Ever notice how a classroom is a reflection of the teacher and the predominant mood he is in? If the teacher is passive many students tend to be as well. But if the teacher is truly involved in his students' learning they tend to be the same way.  So do it. Be enthusiastic about anything and everything. If it's hard for you? Fake it till you make it. Be Radioactive. Awaken to the possibilities, to new ways of doing things. Harness the inexhaustible energy and unstoppable will to accomplish whatever you set out to do. Do this, because your students will do the same.

I hope you find the Brain Hacking infographic above useful. You can access the other Brain-Based Learning infographics I created by scrolling down my ED!Blog. Please share it with other educators, parents, and learners. I will feature additional Brain-Based Learning Infographics in my future NEWSLETTERS, so please SIGN UP if you would like to receive more tips and strategies that work in helping students become better learners.

And Remember: You Have the Power to Change the World. Use it often.

Cornell Notes on Steroids Notebook Bundle of 3

The Cornell Notes on Steroids Notebook is a 8.5"x11" 120-page academic notebook that contains an organizational method that improves on the Cornell Note-Taking System. BUNDLE & SAVE.

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