

I blog on Brain-Based Learning, Metacognition, EdTech, and Social-Emotional Learning. I am the author of the Crush School Series of Books, which help students understand how their brains process information and learn. I also wrote The Power of Three: How to Simplify Your Life to Amplify Your Personal and Professional Success, but be warned that it's meant for adults who want to thrive and are comfortable with four letter words.

Filtering by Category: Earth Science

Introductory Activities in Science: Using NGSS the Right Way to Engage Students

The first few days of science class set the tone for the entire year. Ideally, the activities we design for the first week of school lead to classes buzzing with curiosity, where students are actively engaged in uncovering the mysteries of our world. Such is the aim of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

However, getting started with NGSS can be overwhelming, because it asks a lot of science teachers. Unlike past academic standards, the NGSS isn’t just a complicated list of content to be first deciphered and then covered. It is that and then some.

First, we need to understand what the standard benchmarks actually call for.

Then, we need to decipher what the NGSS powers that be want from us.

Next, we have to learn the methodology they lay out for us to follow.

Finally, we are tasked with creating suitable learning experiences.

Let’s take a look.

The End Goal of NGSS Deciphered

The end-of-their-academic-road goals of NGSS are for students to (1) learn those really important scientific concepts that often elude the traditionally-educated, (2) give them a general understanding of how stuff works, and (3) make them more informed and skilled citizens capable of working collaboratively to find and use relevant information to innovate and propose solutions to present and future problems.

The NGSS Method Deciphered

The madness, I mean method, to achieve the NGSS end goals is to help students build a deeper understanding of important, general science concepts (aka Crosscutting Concepts or CCCs) by:

  1. starting with a phenomenon (an observable event that happens naturally or as a result of human activity),

  2. applying Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs - expanded take on the scientific method that incorporates engineering design and process), and

  3. using subject-specific Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) to “solve” the phenomenon, or explain why and how it happens.

Of course, the design of suitable, NGSS-aligned learning experiences falls on the teacher and it is both fun and time-consuming.

Fun, because we are creating meaningful, relevant, and engaging learning experiences and performance assessments.

Time-consuming, because we are creating meaningful, relevant, and engaging learning experiences and performance assessments: multi-day lessons, activities, self-guided inquiries, and projects.

Of course, it gets easier with time, as we create a template we can use to streamline subsequent learning experiences and gain more expertise in teaching a particular subject.

But first, we need to bring our students back from the dark side.

Engaging Students at the Beginning of the School Year

How do we get students to care about science?

First, we need to move away from the idea that “science lives in a textbook.” The traditional way of teaching led to many students viewing science as a discipline reserved for “those few, very smart kids” and a subject difficult for “the common folk” to succeed in. These stereotypes are just as damaging as they are inaccurate.

Thus, our job becomes making science more approachable by making it more doable.

Phenomenon Based Learning (PhenBL) holds this promise as “the science of things” is removed from the dead textbook and placed in the world of the living to be investigated, its concepts deconstructed, and its skills learned through the examination of real events that occur in the real world.

“Here it (the phenomenon) is. Now go and find out and explain using science what it is, why it happened, and how it happened” - we say to the kids and let them take charge of their own learning of science - batteries not included, but guidance and support given if and when necessary.

Learning Experiences the NGSS Way

and my way…

What you’ll find below is one way I design lessons to fit the NGSS paradigm. Hopefully, you will find this NGSS Learning Experience Template useful, but it is not the only way of doing it.

First, I think about the big ideas of the unit and a phenomenon I can use that can be explained with one or more of those ideas. Then, I lay out a rough plan of how students will learn and what they will create to provide as evidence of learning. Take a look at the slide above I created as part of the lesson on the systems approach and using phenomena to study science. As it was designed for my Earth and Space Science class, I introduced the idea of phenomena first, then had students create a quick poster (see the directions slide below) on the Earth’s four spheres.

Earth and Space Science Lesson on the 4 Earth’s Spheres (atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere) Classroom Poster Activity

I wanted to emphasize the Systems Approach, an idea that changing a part of one sphere (atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere) will affect parts of the other spheres, as they are connected by various matter interactions (the water cycle, spread of pollutants etc.).

On the second day, we reviewed the key ideas from day one and moved on to creating a final product - a video on how an anthropogenic (human-created) phenomenon might affect each of the four spheres - that served as evidence of my students understanding the content they were learning.

One of the requirements for the video was that my students create various models to explain how the anthropogenic phenomenon they chose affects each sphere. Developing and using models increases student understanding of different models scientists use to represent concepts, data, or findings, provides an effective way of presenting complex systems ideas, or solutions, and is one of the eight Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) students should master during their academic careers.

Grab the 9-slide NGSS Learning Experience Template (FREE) if you like the approach so you can use it in your content area.

And, if you teach Earth and Space Science and would like a three- to four-day intro lesson, check out this Anthropogenic Phenomenon Investigation ($5).

How to NGSS Like a Jedi

Just as the Jedi use the phenomenon of the force to bend the Universe to their will, teachers can use real life phenomena to bend student minds toward learning important science concepts.

I hope Yoda and the NGSS peeps would agree that it is perfectly ethical to [Jedi mind] trick our science students into using key unit of study ideas (DCIs) and key science concepts (CCCs) to explain real world events (phenomena) they observe in life, online, or in the media by applying science and engineering practices (SEPs) during the creation of their final product.

Giving them light sabers would be way cooler, but the scientists are still working on miniaturizing the handles.

If you found this post helpful, sign up for my Teaching Tips, Resources, & Ideas Newsletter to get the next article when it drops. It’s totally free.


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Transforming Science Learning with Science and Engineering Practices

The 8 Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) by NGSS

Whether you are the proponent of the seemingly never ending evolution of academic standards or not, I hope you will agree with me that we need to shift away from the model of education in which students are asked to memorize and mindlessly recall facts, in favor of a system that empowers them to think critically, encourages them to use creativity, and gives them ample opportunity to gain confidence in their ability to solve problems.

Enter the Next Generation Science Standards, or NGSS. The NGSS writing team recognized that present day jobs require more aptitude in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) than in the past. They also recognized that this trend is intensifying - as we innovate and become more advanced technologically, STEM-skilled workforce is more in-demand - regardless of the job type.

To this end, the NGSS identifies eight specific Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) that students should experience throughout their education. SEPs outline the behaviors and activities that scientists and engineers undertake as they investigate phenomena and develop solutions to problems and are a component of NGSS designed to provide a pathway to engaging students in the processes of scientific inquiry and engineering design.

Here’s the scoop:

Developing and Using Models

This practice includes creating and using physical, conceptual, and computational models to represent and understand phenomena and to predict behaviors in science and engineering.

Classroom Example: Students create a 3D “Reason for Seasons” model to show why many locations on Earth experience spring through winter.

Asking Questions and Defining Problems

This practice involves formulating questions to clarify problems, seek additional information, or challenge existing concepts in science and engineering.

Classroom Example: Students investigate the effects of an El Niño event on their local weather by asking questions about factors that affect weather and defining the problem of how the El Niño will affect factors such as temperature and precipitation.

Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

Students design and perform experiments to test hypotheses and collect data to answer specific scientific questions or solve engineering problems.

Classroom Example: Students design and perform an experiment to test the albedo of different land surfaces such as soil, sand, grass etc.

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

This practice focuses on examining data collected from investigations to identify patterns, trends, and relationships, and to draw meaningful conclusions.

Classroom Example: Students analyze weather data for a month to identify how variables such as pressure affect wind direction and precipitation in their area.

Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

This practice involves applying mathematical concepts and computational tools to analyze data, represent physical variables, and solve scientific and engineering problems.

Classroom Example: Students use math to calculate their carbon footprints based on energy consumption, transportation, and lifestyle choices, then analyze ways to reduce it, and present it as a percentage.

Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

Students develop evidence-based explanations for natural phenomena in science and create innovative solutions to problems in engineering.

Classroom Example: Students design and build a water filtration system using household materials, explaining the science behind how each component removes contaminants.

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Students gather, assess, and effectively share information from various sources.

Classroom Example: Students research renewable energy sources and present their findings in an infographic, highlighting the benefits and challenges of each source.

Engaging in Argument from Evidence

This practice entails evaluating and arguing (in a good way…) based on evidence to support or refute claims, facilitating the validation of scientific findings or engineering solutions.

Classroom Example: Students debate the potential impacts of a new local construction project e.g. a mall, on the environment, using research and data they find online to support their positions.

So Why Should We Care?

In life… shift happens. It is happening in the world of work, as it shifts away from individual-based, repetitive task completion to a system that requires more creative communication, increased collaboration, and complex problem solving. Our students need practice to build these skills. SEPs might not be the only way, but they provide a path that doesn’t suck and can help teachers lead the way.

If you found this post helpful, sign up for my Teaching Tips, Resources, & Ideas Newsletter to get the next article when it drops. It’s totally free.


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Phenomenon-Based Learning: How to Break Down Phenomena

The ultimate goal of Phenomenon-Based Learning (PhenBL) is to help students develop skills necessary to solve real-world problems.

To provide meaning and context, PhenBL does away with passive strategies such as lecturing or reading about frequently abstract and difficult-to-relate-to concepts in favor of guiding students in active discoveries of the skills and knowledge required to solve real-world problems.

Phenomenon-Based Learning classroom

In a Phenomenon-Based Learning classroom, teachers look for real-world phenomena that represent the main ideas of the lesson or unit and use these phenomena as starting points lessons or units. Then, students interact with these phenomena to “solve” them - they investigate and find patterns, contrasts, causes, effects etc.

These “phenomena solutions” are achieved when students design their own ways to study and explain the whys and the hows of the phenomenon - they use provided resources (books, articles, the Internet etc.) and create products, such as visual or physical models, simulations, and experiments.

Teachers may choose to use these student-generated products as measures of student learning (performance assessments) instead of traditional tests.

Such a series of lessons is called a storyline and while storylines may vary depending on the topic or discipline, the idea that each part of the storyline should be driven by student questions and investigations makes it crucial for students to have a solid grasp on the phenomenon that starts each storyline. To this end, students must learn how to break down phenomena.

Breaking Down a Phenomenon

In my article Where and How to Begin with Phenomenon-Based Learning, I used a High School Earth Science phenomenon I named How Do Different Minerals Form? to help me create a plan for learning, but I posed this question to students: Each made of carbon; a diamond is forever, but graphite not so much. Why? The reason for showing images of diamond and graphite - two minerals all students should be familiar with and know some facts about - was to start the process of students connecting that while diamond and graphite are made of the same element carbon, they are different due to the conditions they formed in.

I realize that while investigating students could choose to focus on figuring out the processes and conditions related to graphite and diamond only so I might have to add extension lessons to help students learn and understand other ways in which minerals form. However, starting with this phenomenon is advantageous in two ways. For one, students can relate to it easily. Two, it gets the ball rolling on a major concept that temperature and pressure are key factors that affect mineral formation.

However, most students will most likely not know the specifics about diamonds and graphites and learning that they are both made of the same stuff should arise their curiosity and motivation to find out why. This might prompt them to grab their tech and start Googling, and it’s great if they want to do so, but I implore you to stop them, because you do not want superficial learning. You want in-depth, super kick-ass understanding and this requires strategy.

Observe and Ponder Chart is so oP y’all

Click on the Image for a FREE Google Doc COPY of the Observe and Ponder Chart you can use in your classroom.

I use the Observe and Ponder (OP) chart to help students break down a phenomenon. In small groups, they compile the two lists. First, they brainstorm and write down all of the the observations they have collected about the phenomenon. I always make the phenomenon image/video available to students in the LMS (learning management system ex. Google Classroom, Schoology etc.) our school uses, so they can review it as they complete the activity.

In the second column, students write down any questions that come to mind about the phenomenon and the observations they’ve made. These questions help direct student investigations.

The goal of the Observe and Ponder activity is to teach students a strategic way of looking at different phenomena and ultimately to help them become better at investigating and solving problems.

Taking it further: Looking at Phenomena as a class

At this point, you may allow students to start their investigations, or, if you feel they’d benefit from peer and teacher feedback, you may want to facilitate a class discussion during which students share their observations and questions they’ve generated. This provides an additional scaffold - especially useful at the beginning of the school year - that allows students to see if they are on track.

Creating a class OP chart allows you to compile and combine observations

SHD (Subtle Hint Dropping) is an additional tool you can use to aid the phenomenon breakdown process. It is extra helpful when you find glaring omissions in the Ponder column or when working with younger students who experience more difficulty in converting observations into questions to investigate. Basically, point to the specific observation in the class OP chart and ask students if anything else comes to mind that may be important to look into. You may also ask them to make an inference, or guess the reason for this observation.

And if all fails, do a think-aloud during which you tell them what you’re looking for but you don’t just give them the answer - you demonstrate your thinking process step by step that got you to it.

Why Your Phenomenon-Based Learning Future is Bright

As students participate in PhenBL activities throughout the school year and become more comfortable with Phenomenon-Based Learning and gain more confidence in their ability to deconstruct phenomena (aka becoming more OP at school and life), you can remove the scaffolds and let students guide themselves and collaborate with others.

Handing control over to the students will require that you “be in the space” with them so you can scrutinize and support their work. Just make sure you’re kind in your guidance, you have fun, and you occasionally strike up a random conversation, because they’ll appreciate the small brain breaks this provides and they’ll find out that you’re human after all. They will also enjoy having you around.

Play your cards right and you’ll become the OG who’s pretty OP. And that’s a dub and a wrap.

Sign up for my Teaching Tips, Resources, & Ideas Newsletter to get the next PhenBL post when it drops. It’ll be about Creating a Common Learning Experience for Difficult Phenomena and is free.


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