I blog on Brain-Based Learning, Metacognition, EdTech, and Social-Emotional Learning. I am the author of the Crush School Series of Books, which help students understand how their brains process information and learn. I also wrote The Power of Three: How to Simplify Your Life to Amplify Your Personal and Professional Success, but be warned that it's meant for adults who want to thrive and are comfortable with four letter words.

Transforming Science Learning with Science and Engineering Practices

The 8 Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) by NGSS

Whether you are the proponent of the seemingly never ending evolution of academic standards or not, I hope you will agree with me that we need to shift away from the model of education in which students are asked to memorize and mindlessly recall facts, in favor of a system that empowers them to think critically, encourages them to use creativity, and gives them ample opportunity to gain confidence in their ability to solve problems.

Enter the Next Generation Science Standards, or NGSS. The NGSS writing team recognized that present day jobs require more aptitude in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) than in the past. They also recognized that this trend is intensifying - as we innovate and become more advanced technologically, STEM-skilled workforce is more in-demand - regardless of the job type.

To this end, the NGSS identifies eight specific Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) that students should experience throughout their education. SEPs outline the behaviors and activities that scientists and engineers undertake as they investigate phenomena and develop solutions to problems and are a component of NGSS designed to provide a pathway to engaging students in the processes of scientific inquiry and engineering design.

Here’s the scoop:

Developing and Using Models

This practice includes creating and using physical, conceptual, and computational models to represent and understand phenomena and to predict behaviors in science and engineering.

Classroom Example: Students create a 3D “Reason for Seasons” model to show why many locations on Earth experience spring through winter.

Asking Questions and Defining Problems

This practice involves formulating questions to clarify problems, seek additional information, or challenge existing concepts in science and engineering.

Classroom Example: Students investigate the effects of an El Niño event on their local weather by asking questions about factors that affect weather and defining the problem of how the El Niño will affect factors such as temperature and precipitation.

Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

Students design and perform experiments to test hypotheses and collect data to answer specific scientific questions or solve engineering problems.

Classroom Example: Students design and perform an experiment to test the albedo of different land surfaces such as soil, sand, grass etc.

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

This practice focuses on examining data collected from investigations to identify patterns, trends, and relationships, and to draw meaningful conclusions.

Classroom Example: Students analyze weather data for a month to identify how variables such as pressure affect wind direction and precipitation in their area.

Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

This practice involves applying mathematical concepts and computational tools to analyze data, represent physical variables, and solve scientific and engineering problems.

Classroom Example: Students use math to calculate their carbon footprints based on energy consumption, transportation, and lifestyle choices, then analyze ways to reduce it, and present it as a percentage.

Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

Students develop evidence-based explanations for natural phenomena in science and create innovative solutions to problems in engineering.

Classroom Example: Students design and build a water filtration system using household materials, explaining the science behind how each component removes contaminants.

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Students gather, assess, and effectively share information from various sources.

Classroom Example: Students research renewable energy sources and present their findings in an infographic, highlighting the benefits and challenges of each source.

Engaging in Argument from Evidence

This practice entails evaluating and arguing (in a good way…) based on evidence to support or refute claims, facilitating the validation of scientific findings or engineering solutions.

Classroom Example: Students debate the potential impacts of a new local construction project e.g. a mall, on the environment, using research and data they find online to support their positions.

So Why Should We Care?

In life… shift happens. It is happening in the world of work, as it shifts away from individual-based, repetitive task completion to a system that requires more creative communication, increased collaboration, and complex problem solving. Our students need practice to build these skills. SEPs might not be the only way, but they provide a path that doesn’t suck and can help teachers lead the way.

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